Friday, December 17, 2010

Oeufs and Champagne

Leave it to Paris
to inspire Captain Kitchen to climb out from the murky depths of silence.

Last Sunday's brunch was at Café Temple on Rue de Bretagne in the Marais... IN PARIS. The meal was simple and perfect: a soft boiled egg, served with strips of toast, butter and strawberry jam, along with a basket of croissants and toast for two, café americain [brought as a cup of espresso and a carafe of hot water] and a glass of orange juice.

For lunch today - back in New York City - I will be making soft boiled eggs with lots of fresh cracked pepper, dijon mustard on the side [Amora, from Paris], with strips of sourdough for dipping, and a green leafy salad with a mustardy-lemony-peppery vinaigrette.

But there's just one problem: I don't own egg holders. ...major crisis!

And then... it came to me.

The wire caps to champagne bottles - which I save along with any other used corks in a wooden bowl that adorns my kitchen table - hold an egg beautifully:

Just another reason to drink more champagne.

Captain Kitchen